
 Burger Erotica
by Willis Chan
A nanonarrative that has the sexiest dialogue mashuped one of the sexiest events one can go through: the consumption of a Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger. Glutinous, I know. Inspired by a...uh...friend who once asked me if I ever got so hungry that I got horny (or was it the other way around)? I don't remember what I told her. I shot this at the restaurant with a POS and uploaded it to Twitpic and Twitter forsaking a strict format: the small text & graphics are like sex---messy, straight-to-the-point, big in their own way, engaged and enticing. Food porn done with the help of some sultry text, a lot of seductive photos, and no near-naked-chicks (take that Burger King commercials!). The Twitter is meant to be read from bottom to top: an issue that is very interesting in our discussion of small media and social media: the most current stuff is first/on the top. Is that why blogs that have thousands of posts are hard to read or catch-up on? I throw a hot red-head (inspired by Wendy's logo mascot) and we have a nanoerotica made for Web 2.0 foodies made for just $1.
Supplemental Slideshow (lot more pics, not as sexy as the Twitter, but it will still get you hungry): http://slidesho w.willisapplica tion.imageloop. com/

Gastroporn Selling Music? This immateriality knows no limits!
California Gurls - Katy Perry Music Video
What if food porn could be used to sell another type of medium?
Her song peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for six consecutive weeks and the song reached number one in over 10 countries, including United States, UK, Canada, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, and New Zealand.

PETA's Food Porn Campaign to Promote Vegetarianism


Freud and Food
"Freud chose to frame the clash between our biology and society in terms of the mastering and socialization of our sexual impulses. It seems to me that he would have had a stronger case with eating. Although both food and sex are biologically basic, the need for food is more frequent, more compelling, and frankly, more important in both daily life and in the evolution of animals and humans. Our desire to promptly consume anything that looks appetizing must be tamed by the process of civilization; we cannot grab an attractive morsel of food that is in someone else's possession, just as we cannot engage in sexual activity with any person who appeals to us. The meal, with its elaborate culinary preparations and social conventions, is a far cry from wolfing down foods. There is actually a more elaborate cultural transformation of our relationship to food than there is to sex. This results, in part, from the fact that we are much more inclined to eat than to have sex in public." (Rozin 1)

Image Source: Mutineer Magazine, a fine beverage publication/(celebrity rag?)

Untold Curation Tale:
by Willis Chan
While working on my exhibit, I was delighted to drink a bottle of Neurogasm. Note for next time, do not shake the bottle (its lightly carbonated). I made quite the mess in the computer lab. I sat there watching it spew everywhere. The girl sitting next door to me was caught off-guard and all I could give her was this guilty face.
Written on the Neurogasm bottle:
  1. "The word Neurogasm means different things to different people and it all leads to something great...gasm. Better blood circulation offers you the opportunity for more enjoyment. Whether it's day or night, or even later at night, who wouldn't want that?"
  2. "Drink Smart, Drink Neuro."
  3. "Passion in every bottle"